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Awakening the Illuminated Heart of the Goddess

  • Wellington New Zealand (map)

The Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshops are created for you to “Awaken your Heart”.

This 4 day workshop is SPECIFICALLY FOR WOMEN and offers you an opportunity to transform your life in ways yet only dreamed of. We will take a journey into the heart where you will begin to "remember who you really are" and awaken the Goddess within.

In this profound experiential workshop, along with the ‘Awakening the Illuminated Heart®’ trainings based on Drunvalo Melchizedek’s lifelong work of ancient teachings and unique meditation practices, we as women will link all 3 of our creative centres awakening the ingenious Goddess within. These intuitive centres are the Womb, Heart, and Third Eye, each contain deep intuitive wisdom and higher intelligence. The womb, heart and third eye are the three main feminine intuitive centres.

The womb is the divine chalice of creative energy and emotional/sexual intelligence, the heart is the divine intelligence of the sacred trinity of love, power and wisdom and the Third Eye is the divine higher mind intelligence. When these 3 centres are connected, and activated you will have the key to creating from unity and not from the duality of the lower mind/ego.

Within these centres, many of us carry wounding from our past, as well as in the collective of women. In order to awaken and illuminate these sacred centres, healing of the womb, the heart and the Third Eye will be facilitated during a day focused on sacred ceremony and healing so that we re-member our divine uniqueness and the wisdom that lies within so that we may fill our individual souls mission.

Once you can link your feeling based intuitive guidance that comes from the womb, heart wisdom and intellectual clarity that comes through awakening the third eye, you will have all the keys to create a heart centred life from your divine feminine wisdom.

You will rediscover your Sacred Space and the Tiny Space of the Heart where you will be interconnected to all life, the place of Oneness. We will remember an ancient way of Creating from the Heart and activate your natural Mer-Ka-Ba (Light Body).

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Location: Wellington, NZ


Dee Petit and Waveney Grace are deeply honoured to walk this sacred path with you as we "Remember who we truly are" and why we are here on Earth during this most auspicious time as we transition into higher consciousness. Being 'Awakening the Illuminated Heart®' teachers is a heart centred, compassionate service that is enlightening, exhilarating and energetic shape shifting to the highest form.

May your womb, heart and mind connect as one fluid guidance system
— Leyola Antara